Monday, May 30, 2016

Mr. Chubbs goes under the knife!

Mr. Chubbs has had a recurring ear infection since December which antibiotics did not relieve.  Thankfully, he is such a good natured little boy and this infections were just a nuisance to him and not a battle.  At the recommendation of his primary care physician, we went to a specialist who advised he get tubes put in his ears.  It was a quick series of events.

We got up early and drove about an hour away to the facility.  Mr. Chubbs patiently waited his turn, reading books with Daddy and playing ball.

He went freely with the nurses and did great.  Once he came off the laughing gas, he was calling for Mommy but otherwise not very different.  Once we went back with him, Mr. Chubbs just wanted Mommy to hold him.  He discovered he had a sensor on his foot and quickly removed that.  He was chatting and returned to himself quickly.  The observing nurse discharged him and as we were leaving Mr. Chubbs said "Hug you!" to her and gave her a quick snuggle before we departed.

You could tell he was a little off, probably more confused than anything.  He slept on the way home and snuggled for a little bit once we got home. 

However, the snuggles weren't required for long and soon enough he was up and at it.  He enjoyed a stay home day from daycare and quickly got back to his climbing, book reading, superhero playing ways. 
Super reassuring for this mama!!!

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