Friday, July 25, 2014

Another successful birthday party for LBH!

Once again, we had LBH's birthday part at the Happy Farm!  The theme this year was baseball.  
We also rented a bounce house that had a slide attached.  LBH loved jumping but was not a fan of the slide.  

I didn't go overboard with desserts this year, instead just making cupcakes and brownies.  We also had peanuts and cracker jacks, to go with LBH's favorite song!

Gramma played music again this year, though LBH only had one request - TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME!!!

After opening his presents from friends and family, 
LBH had one last gift from Mommy and Daddy!  I was fortunate enough to catch his reaction on tape!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday LBH!


Where have the last 2 years gone!  Our Little Big Head is growing and changing so much each and every day.  

He is still loves superheroes and has also discovered baseball.  

He has a wicked left hand and very good accuracy for a 2 year old.  He also bats and can make contact.

His birthday fell on a Wednesday this year and Daddy had to work.  

LBH and I met YaYa in Columbus to play at Kid Commons.  We had some lunch and LBH shared a hot fudge sundae with YaYa.

After a day at Kid Commons, we came home and woke Daddy up.  LBH once again wanted to play with each toy as he opened them.

His favorite gift on the day of his birthday was his baseball glove!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Baby Green #2 - Needs a nickname!

In keeping up with a 2 year old, I often forget about the new adventure on our horizon....Baby Green #2.  We found out in January that we were expecting again!

After seeing LBH's reaction to the news, we decided to find out what sex the baby was.  We had our ultrasound in April and it was so neat seeing Baby #2 moving around so much.  Once again, we knew our ultrasound tech so when it came to the big reveal, she didn't waste time....

 It's a BOY!!!!

We have another rough and tumble little boy joining our family.  Throughout the ultrasound #2 had his face protected, probably because all he hears is "Q stop hitting!" "Q put the bat down!"

We are very excited to be adding to the family, but getting a little nervous as the day gets closer!!