Tuesday, April 30, 2013

LBH 40 Weeks - Womb and Out

Somewhere (probably Pinterest) I saw a picture of a baby comparing the ultrasound picture to a post-birth picture.  Since I didn't discover this until after LBH was 20 weeks old, I decided to do it with the 40 week ultrasound and LBH sleeping at age 40 weeks.
Isn't he so precious!!!??!!!

Monday, April 29, 2013

LBH - Weeks 36-40

Still haven't grasped updating this blog more often.  LBH is growing and changing so much each day.  He is crawling, pulls himself up on the coffee table, and eats lots of different finger foods.  Here are his weekly shots.....


 Apparently I forgot to take a picture of LBH in front of his chalk board but here are 3 pictures from his 38th week!!!
If it isn't obvious, weekly pictures are getting more difficult to take with Mr. Mobile!!!!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

LBH Weeks 28-35

WOW!!!!  Where did the last 2 months go!?!  I was doing so good updating this blog with LBH's growth and then winter sucked it right out of me!!!
We are no longer stable on the ottoman!!!!