Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Side-by-side Comparisons - LBH vs. Con Man

Our boys look so much alike that it is hard not to compare them, especially when I saved so many of LBH's clothing for the Con Man.

Day 1 - Hospital Shot
Con Man (right), LBH (left)

Crib shot - 1 week LBH vs 1 month Con Man
Newborn photo session
LBH (right), Con Man (left)

3 week old - same Onesie
LBH (21 days), Con Man (18 days)

LBH (right), Con Man (left)

LBH (right), Con Man (left)

1st Halloween

Outfit from England

One of my favorite - Blue & black stripes

Supporting IU - Go Big Red

Jail Bird

Monster Shirt

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Weekly Shots - Week 9-14

Here is our ever growing Mr. Chubbs through the last 6 weeks....

Mr. Chubbs has started becoming very chatty and giggles at his brother.  He can't sit up unsupported but often tries to pull himself into a seating position.  He is a happy baby and loves cuddling.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Weekly Shots - the Con Man

Once again, I am taking weekly pictures to see how much my little darling is growing.  Here are the shots so far....

And he has started to chunk up....from weeks 2 - 6, Con Man was gaining a pound a week!

He fills out more in this outfit versus week 5

Happy Halloween from our Leprechaun Part Deux!

Friday, October 3, 2014

The first month with Con Man!

Since LBH had a long day of labor, a c-section was scheduled for Con Man.  It was a very different experience because I "knew" what to expect but still had some level of uncertainty.  We started the day bright and early, arriving at the hospital at 6:30 AM!  Our buddy, Brandon, met us there and hung out most of the morning.  I was prepped for surgery and Con Man was moving throughout the whole experience, as if to say, "Hey I am not ready to be evicted!"

Our little man arrived at 7:56 AM and it was awesome to hear his cries.  Unfortunately, something was off with our new baby boy.  He was struggling to gain his color and had a lot of fluid coming out of his mouth and nose.  The nurses quickly assessed him and got him all bundled up.  They showed him to me briefly, and then he and Nate were off to the nursery for further observation. The pediatrician and a respiratory therapist were brought in because of his rapid breathing and low oxygen levels.  Con Man was immediately given an IV to administer antibiotics and fluids then attached to oxygen through his nose.  I got to see him shortly before 10 AM and it was scary seeing all the cords attached to Con Man and not being able to hold him immediately.  After another hour, he had stabilized enough that the doctor was comfortable allowing me to do kangaroo care with him.  It was amazing snuggling with Con Man and watching his oxygen levels reach "100" which was perfect.  

Con Man had to remain in the nursery that entire first day but Nate and I could go in there to be with him.  We even got to watch his first bath.  

Quinn was very excited to meet his brother and kept trying to leave my hospital room to see his brother.

The next morning, Con Man was released from "baby jail" and our family and friends got to hold him.  

The pediatrician and respiratory therapist concluded that Con Man had transient tachypnea or "wet lungs" which can occur in c-section babies when their mothers don't go into labor.  Con Man should have no lingering effects.  Honestly after about 8 hours, we didn't notice any difference in Con Man than LBH.

We brought Con Man home on Friday and began life with 2 kids.  My Mum stayed with us through the weekend and we had lots of visitors.  Nate was off for most of the first month of Con Man's life which was nice because we each took care of one child, particularly throughout the night as LBH still isn't sleeping for long stretches without waking.

LBH loves his little brother and asks often to hold him.  LBH also wants Con Man to watch him do everything from running to playing cars.  Con Man is a pretty easy baby - he eats, sleeps and poops, pretty much on a 3 hour schedule.  He loves to snuggle and doesn't like to be left alone for long.

At 1 week, we had a newborn session with Hannah Quarcini.  It was solely focused on Con Man and we loved the shots Hannah got. Here are some of my favorites!

Awww baby lips!

By far my favorite because of the colors!!

It has been an awesome month and I am honored to be the mother of 2 amazing little boys.  I am excited for all the adventures to come raising these rascals!!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Introducing Baby #2 - the Con Man!!!

I am ashamed that it took me almost a month to introduce our new little man....
Connor Michael

born September 3, 2014
7 pounts 8.8 ounces
20 1/4 inches long

Tons of dirty blonde hair and slate blue eyes.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Preparing for Baby #2

I am in the homestretch of my pregnancy with Baby #2.  We have less than 2 weeks before we meet our new little guy.  I have one more day of work then the rest of our time off to prepare for the arrival of our fourth (and last) family member.  I have arranged all the baby items and since we put our house on the market, moved most of it to our "family" barn.  I have gone through the plethora of clothing and narrowed it down to what we will truly use.  I have a big box ready for the next friend having a baby (which shouldn't been too long as there are twins in the near future for some friends).

I didn't do a very good job of documenting this pregnancy - in journal form or belly pictures.  I have written in Baby #2's baby book.

I am starting to get anxious about having 2 children and how that will change the dynamics of our lives - from our relationship as a couple to the relationship we each have with LBH.  LBH seems very excited about the baby and I know he will be a big helper, but this will be a major life change for him.  The other day we put Spiderman in a newborn diaper because LBH's diaper was too big.  I envision "wasting" many newborn diapers on various stuffed friends.

In preparation for the upcoming birthday, here are the belly shots I did manage to take:

I do believe I started showing earlier but I didn't gain as much weight as with LBH.  I did put on most of my baby weight in the last month.  For the last 2 weeks, almost every comment I have gotten is in reference to "when am I gonna pop!?!"  One of my co-workers was surprised to see me each day because she was sure I was ready to deliver (I might add her daughter is also about as pregnant as I am, so I cut Deb some slack because she is just eager for her grandbaby!).

Soon, I will compile all the belly shots together and compare them to my pregnancy with LBH.