Sunday, March 23, 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

LBH Winter 2014

Well, LBH hasn't been up to much so far this year because we have been buried in snow quite often and LBH is not a snow fan.  I have learned that if I shovel a path for him, he will remain on that path and I can clear off the cars and sidewalk.

LBH has a love of cupcakes and his babysitters are always surprised how clean LBH remains after eating one.

Since we haven't been outside much (and LBH loves to be outside) we have had to make do inside.  LBH has discovered a love of Despicible Me 1 & 2, Wreck it Ralph, and The Incredibles.  In his own little languages, LBH has lines of the movie memorized.

LBH has also started playing with playdoo.  He tried to each it once and that ended disastrously so I doubt he will do that again!!!

Monday, March 3, 2014

LBH & Batman

I have mentioned before how much LBH loves his superheroes.  He has a couple Batman figurines and every time we say "Batman" we do it in a very deep voice and LBH has started imitating that.  We found a Batman movie on TV one night and here was LBH's reaction (and apparently he was chewing gum).  

As you can see LBH is in his Spiderman pajamas!!