Friday, May 17, 2013

LBH - 10 months old

WOW, where has the time gone!?!  LBH is 10 months old and crawling everywhere.  He has a very unique style when he is on the tile or hardwood floors - he crawls with his right knee on the ground but his left knee up and his left foot propels him along the floor.  On the carpet, LBH crawls in the traditional style.  He pulls up wherever the opportunity presents.  This week, LBH has started to rearrange his legs and will shortly stand up without furniture support.  He refuses to eat pureed food and wants what is on our plates.

Here are some shots with Tigger from his monthly photoshoot.....
LBH didn't want to sit still!!!!
Look at how much he has changed in 10 short months!?!